Some details about Consignment
GENERAL CONDITIONS: Under the terms of this Consignment Contract, the Consignor agrees to deliver goods to be sold by the Consignee, referred to in this document as "Jeweler". Jeweler agrees to place consignor's merchandise in store for sale. Jeweler will remit fifty Percent (50%) of the selling price to the consignor. Acceptance of merchandise for sale is at the sole discretion of the Jeweler. The Consignment Contract will remain in effect for all merchandise consigned until a new Consignment Contract is executed. We take on items for sale for a 90-day consignment period. Many older piece will not sell within the 90-day consignment period. Consignor understands that while Jeweler agrees to use its best efforts to obtain a sale of the consigned merchandise, there is no guaranty a sale will occur. The consignor is responsible for keeping track of the consignment period. A written contract will be provided prior to the Jeweler accepting the items.
If Consignor agrees to sell the item(s) to Romero Jewelers to re-purpose, Romero Jewelers will present you a gift certificate for full store credit. If the Jeweler agrees to purchase the item, it is no longer on consignment. If you want to receive cash payment we will pay you by business check within thirty days from notification of final sale. If you need immediate cash we may be able and willing to provide that within a reasonable period of time.
Please note: When the Jeweler takes a deposit for a consignment item, no notice shall be given unless the Consignor request information on availability. The Jeweler will send written notice by mail, email or text message of the status of the item. We generally say that if the item is in process that the item is on hold and unavailable to retrieve. Funds will not be available until full payment has been processed.
Please note we are not attempting to sell your jewelry to our clientele base for free. We charge a fee or we agree to purchase your item for a new project and incorporate what was your item into our shop ownership. Consignee and Consignor agreed that Jewelry Store would have sole and exclusive authority to offer to sell the consignment either in whole or in part at Jewelers sole discretion. Jeweler and Consignor agreed that a consignment fee of 50% of actual net sales price.